Glencoe Experience​

Glencoe – One of the most infamous names in Scottish history and one of the most impressive landscapes anywhere in the world!

Book your experience

£175 per person

This is the stuff of photographers’ dreams and you could spend countless days exploring the endless nooks and crannies that come to life before your camera. Tinged with that added incentive of being timelessly melancholic and full of tragic memories, there really is nowhere quite like Glencoe.

We have a great selection of truly remarkable locations within the Glencoe area. From the majesty of the guardian of the glen, the Buachaille Etive Mor, to the still waters of Loch Achtriochtan; the dark and foreboding glen with the towering triple buttress of Bidean nam Ban and the awesome Aonach Eagach Ridge closing in from the sides to the stillness and calm of the beautiful Loch Etive. On our Glencoe Experience, there are photographic opportunities that will delight the seasoned professional and the absolute beginner alike.


8 hours




Lunch Included


Maximum of 6 guests with 2 Tutor/Guides